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No New Posts Water Pool - 1 Viewing

Near the camp, there is a pool of water that hardly ever dries out. The water is clean, so the ShadowClan cats can get water quickly without having to go all the way to the lake.

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No New Posts Small Thunderpath

A small thunderpath stretches across part of ShadowClan territory, connecting the Greenleaf Twolegplace in RiverClan territory to the Twoleg Nest.

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No New Posts Twoleg Nest

Near the edge of ShadowClan territory, there is a twoleg nest. The twolegs aren't welcoming to visiting warrior cats, so stay away!

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No New Posts Halfbridge

This bridge made by twolegs extends out over the lake. The funny thing is that it doesn't go anywhere except to the middle of the lake! The bridge just ends, in the water.

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No New Posts Twoleg Paths - 1 Viewing

Near the border with ThunderClan, two Twoleg Paths go down to the lake from beyond the Clan territories. They are safe and unused by twolegs most of the year, but during greenleaf there are twolegs walking down them all the time.

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No New Posts Riverclan Border

This is the border between Shadowclan and Riverclan.

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No New Posts Thunderclan Border - 1 Viewing

This is the border between Shadowclan and Thunderclan.

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ShadowClan Territory

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ShadowClan Territory
This is the territory between ThunderClan and RiverClan. This is where ShadowClan lies.
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